Thursday, October 12, 2006

Arianna Huffington's "On Becoming Fearless"

I had an opportunity to go to a book signing at Borders Books in Westwood last night. Arianna Huffington gave a talk and was signing her new book; “On Becoming Fearless.” I think that Arianna is a tremendous woman, though I don't necessarily agree with all of her policy opinions, I think she’s absolutely terrific; strong, confident, articulate, an exceedingly bright. She included some very personal stories from the book and discussed the fact that of all the previous ten books that she has written, this one makes her the most emotionally vulnerable.

I wanted to ask her last night, though I unfortunately didn’t have an opportunity, what is it that’s going on in her personal life right now that compelled her to write this book about fearlessness? Perhaps I’ll send her an e-mail and pose the question.

As I was waiting for Arianna to start last evening, I read the introduction to the book. Though it seems primarily geared toward a female audience, I could certainly relate to a number of the fears that she discusses in the opening. I initially was going to buy this book for my mother and send her this copy (that I had signed for her), but now I think I’m going to read myself as well. I get a sense that there will be some interesting lessons for me contained within some of her stories.

One of the topics that Arianna discussed last evening was the internal “critical voice” that we each have somewhere deep inside our mind. Her opinion is such that women have a much louder and harsher voice than men. I’m not sure on what she bases this opinion, but I found it a rather intriguing and provoking thought. She refers to her internal voice as “my obnoxious roommate,” which I thought was a rather hysterical way to think about this internal voice, to which I all too often find myself the subject of its criticism.

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